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Retina 2 Normal

Üretkenlik Grafik ve Tasarım Üretkenlik
Geliştirici: Kunitomo Ono
9.99 USD

Retina 2 Normal - The most easy-to-use iOS icon/retina image converter

Retina 2 Normal is a highly efficient conversion tool for iOS app designer. It includes 2 separated tools, iOS icon converter and retina image converter.

☆iOS icon converter

With iOS icon converter, you only need to design the original 512x512 icon image. Drag the icon image to iOS icon converter, it will automatically generate all the icons in different sizes. You preview them, then click convert and everything is done.

☆Retina image converter

For designer, generate the same image both in retina size and normal size could be a disaster. Im a designer and I hate to waste my time in resizing the retina image to normal and save them one by one. With retina image converter, design once in retina size, then drag it, preview it, click convert, and everything is done, dont worry about @2x suffix, it will be automatically appended if it is not there.

Buy retina 2 normal, save your time, and enjoy design!

And dont forget to send me feedback, Im listening to your guys, and Im trying to make it better.